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Book your accommodation

Booking open!

House 187A and House 187B are rented out for whole weeks (Saturday-Saturday).

House 187C is rented half weeks (Thursday-Sunday & Sunday-Thursday).

House 187A is djurtithe song.

The price varies every week.


Instructions for renting

1. Select the date and enter the number of people. Then click on search.

2.  There are 3 houses to book. 187A, 187B or 187C.

3. Click the "Select" button and click then on the house you want to book.

4. Scroll down the page and click "Next Step"

5. Fill in your details and pay by card.


If you have any questions, write to us in the form at the bottom of this page.



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Tack! Vi återkommer till dig.

Ljungdalsporten AB - 2023

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